Post by MachineCode via Digitalmars-d-learnpure functions are also supposed to don't use global variables
at all, according to functional programming paradigm
The functional programming paradigm is kind of irrelevant to D's
pure, which should really be something more like @global. D's
pure makes it so that a function cannot directly access global,
mutable state - i.e. no mutable global or static variables which
can ever be mutated by anything in the program. So, pure
functions can access immutable global and static variables,
because their state can never change, and in principle, they
could access const variables that were directly initialized, e.g.
const int i = 7;
However, apparently, the compiler won't do that with arrays right
now, as Bearophile has found. Accessing global or static
variables that can never change once they're initialized does not
violate the guarantees that D's pure makes, because the value is
fixed and as such is essentially the same as hard-coding the
value in the function directly. It's just those that can change
which are a problem (which does potentially include global, const
arrays if they were initialized via a static constructor).
Now, while D's pure really doesn't directly have anything to do
with functional purity (_all_ it does is restrict access to
global or static variables which can be mutated - either directly
or indirectly), it _is_ a vital building block for functional
purity, because if the function parameters are immutable or
implicitly convertible to immutable, then the compiler knows that
multiple calls to the function with the same arguments will
always return the same result, because the function can't access
any mutable globals to get at anything different to produce a
different result. And even if the parameters aren't immutable or
implicitly convertible to immutable, if the parameter types and
return type are unrelated, the compiler can also know that the
return value was not passed into the function (since it had
nowhere else to get it from), so it knows that it's unique and
can do stuff like implicitly convert that value to immutable
So, with pure, the compiler can recognize actual, functional
purity and other useful attributes and take advantage of them,
but you're probably better off if you don't think of D's pure as
being functionally pure, because there are quite a few things
that D's pure functions can do which functionally pure functions
can't do (like mutate their arguments if they're mutable).
A good article on D's pure: